Saturday, October 9, 2010


confession: i can totally tell when you're lying, but it's just so fun to play along

confession: i can't remember my real hair color anymore

confession: sometimes i miss you so much that it hurts

confession: i didn't drop the cupcake. i ate it

confession: your general presence is stupid. shoo, go away you!

confession: i once stole a lollipop from the candy drawer in my kitchen, and then cried because i felt bad

confession: i'm a bad liar

confession: i wish i was famous

confession: i enjoy publishing my private thoughts on the internet

15 reasons why i love my life

1. i have the most amazing friends (plus some that can be questionable, but we'll let that one slide), and they all know just how to put a smile on my face
2. my parents trust me, and let me create the most wonderful memories for myself
3. i know there's someone a few thousand miles away that i can always trust
4. i go to literally one of the greatest schools on earth
5. i have two buttercups in the shape of dogs to hassle me all day in the most wonderful way
6. i can party like i'm 21 at the age of 15
7. thanks to a little middle eastern sun, i'm now tanned in october in beijing city
8. i speak 3 languages fluently, and am learning chinese
9. i have a freedom of speech
10. i can trust so many people without a doubt
11. i have a canon eos 400D. and its my life
12. i have the most fantastic grandmother anyone could ask for
13. ditto parents and friends
14. the world has created an engine that can let you be in 3+ different continents in one day
15. i am myself, in an environment where i am entirely comfortable and in love with, surrounded by people that can brighten my day with a snap of their fingers

(+16) i got to spend 10 days with someone i adore, despite the distance, age, and lack of accompanying parents.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

what a wonderful day to be alive

these are the good times in your life, so put on a smile
and it'll be alright
- calvin harris

sometimes life is just so perfect :) i love you, best friend

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

things i will never understand (about you) - round two

have you ever dated someone, and regretted it so much that you actually cringe at the mere sight of their facebook photo as it pops up in your news feed? yeah well you are one of those guys.
so here is a list of the things about you i will never, ever understand.

1. your profile picture is not "hot" because you're pulling that "oh yeah i'm a french badass" face. you look like you're smelling something iffy
2. that shirt doesn't highlight your muscular arms. it looks like dolly parton's parting gift
3. those x's you post everywhere... yeah not "sensitive" but "gay"
4. enough with the pouts... you're not a 13-year old girl.
5. sweatpants? really?
6. i don't think you're a pimp because you have two girls kissing your cheeks in your profile picture. i think you're a poser
7. the gesture was adorable, but your present was hideous
8. it's over. no need to text me "goodnight cutie", i told you i was done
9. yeah. you got huge muscles. WE GET IT. stop showing them off like some tramp
10. leave my friends alone and start hanging out with the people at your own school
11. you don't really look like that actor from that show. that's all in your head
12. you have thrice the amount of profile pictures that i do.... wow
14. no it's not okay it doesn't happen to everyone and it is a big deal
15. you got people to spy on me? how very not-zac-efron of you

16. you can't "claim" me because i am your "ex". those guys were my friends before yours

and last of all, thank you for raising my expectations so high that when you failed to meet a single one of them it repulsed me so much from you that i cannot bear the mere thought of you. so i would appreciate it if you got out of my life and moved on because i surely have, long ago but a little too late.

note: unfortunately you won't read this or ever understand what i am feeling (or lack thereof) for you. 

but i am sorry for being so harsh online behind your back, that isn't very classy of me

Saturday, October 2, 2010

sixteen things i will never understand

1. the ladies in the dressing room at department stores. honestly, why does it matter how many items i bring into my changing room?! get off my back and let me try on my future jeans

2. people who eat vegemite. just.... why

3. people who tweet their every action - namely 'tweethearts'

4. what ke$ha thinks about when she's not writing songs that are stuck on my mind for 3 weeks straight

5. why my parents blessed me with the initials "ASS"

6. people who harass me about using proper punctuation. ee cummings pulled it off pretty well

7. why the people at candylicious think its okay to charge 19dhs for both the large lollipops and the small lollipops... who do they think they're fooling ;)

8. why the ------- government refuses to sell seventeen magazine, blocks facebook/youtube/twitter/google, yet still allows us to drink and have sex under the age of 16

9. chinese stroke orders. period.

10. the logic behind the arrangement of my english teacher's hair

11. certain swedish and australian creepers who keep asking for pictures. its just not gonna happen guysss

12. why the danish and american radio stations didn't have a limit as to how many times they can play "california girls"

13. who came up with the phrase "hanky panky"

14. people who update their statuses to things like "been on the toilet all day... its running out of both ends" ... uh, THANKS FOR SHARING

15. the pepsi vs coke war. obviously coke wins

16. why you're dissing my use of colors and fonts in your head

oh and hi, i'm auburn, i like lists :)