Saturday, October 2, 2010

sixteen things i will never understand

1. the ladies in the dressing room at department stores. honestly, why does it matter how many items i bring into my changing room?! get off my back and let me try on my future jeans

2. people who eat vegemite. just.... why

3. people who tweet their every action - namely 'tweethearts'

4. what ke$ha thinks about when she's not writing songs that are stuck on my mind for 3 weeks straight

5. why my parents blessed me with the initials "ASS"

6. people who harass me about using proper punctuation. ee cummings pulled it off pretty well

7. why the people at candylicious think its okay to charge 19dhs for both the large lollipops and the small lollipops... who do they think they're fooling ;)

8. why the ------- government refuses to sell seventeen magazine, blocks facebook/youtube/twitter/google, yet still allows us to drink and have sex under the age of 16

9. chinese stroke orders. period.

10. the logic behind the arrangement of my english teacher's hair

11. certain swedish and australian creepers who keep asking for pictures. its just not gonna happen guysss

12. why the danish and american radio stations didn't have a limit as to how many times they can play "california girls"

13. who came up with the phrase "hanky panky"

14. people who update their statuses to things like "been on the toilet all day... its running out of both ends" ... uh, THANKS FOR SHARING

15. the pepsi vs coke war. obviously coke wins

16. why you're dissing my use of colors and fonts in your head

oh and hi, i'm auburn, i like lists :)

1 comment:

  1. Number 16 was the only thing i focused on the whole time.. My oh my.
